
Showing posts from May, 2007

Bush authorizes new covert action against Iran

ABC news reporter, Brian Ross , has reported on a secret CIA covert opperation to destabalize the Iranian government. For those who know the history of American covert attacks on Iran, dating back to 1956, this is no revalation. The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject, say President Bush has signed a "nonlethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions. "I can't confirm or deny whether such a program exists or whether the president signed it, but it would be consistent with an overall American approach trying to find...

Help end the farce, Impeach Gonzales

Look at this and sign the petition, please. General Gonzales has committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors The call to impeach the U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who has committed purgery, obstruction of justice, and misuse of power, must begin today.

This American Life - Memorial Day 2007

American Hero, Ira Glass, produces more great TV and Radio than almost anyone. We are proud to be American because of people like him. This American Life is celebrating Memoria Day with truth. Check it Out Free MP3 Download

Bill Moyers - On Memorial Day 2007

The courage of Bill Moyers never ceases to amaze me, we need more American Heros like Moyers. This Memorial Day he made statements that need to be repeated. So, here I quote him: "In one way or another, it seems all of us, from time to time, have to judge our lives against the price that others have had to pay for our freedom." I know that, even subconsciously, I've never been able to forget what the generation ahead of mine did in World War 2. When they took on Hitler's legions and the Japanese warlords. I had just turned ten years old, for instance, when the Allies landed on Normandy, on June 6, 1944. I could only imagine what it must have been like on those beaches when our world was up for grabs, and men spilled their blood and guts to save it. I never knew what it was like, until years later, I accompanied some veterans from Texas who had fought at Normandy and survived, and were now returning to retrace their steps. ... Jose Lopez went on to win the Metal of Hon...

Elect God and we all go to Hell

Given that three of the Republican candidates for President of the United States of America (the Hyper-power, the Empire, the Global Dominator) have openly and unashamedly proclaimed that they do not 'believe' in the objective fact of evolution, I didn't feel qualified to talk about the one Mormon candidate, so I thought that I'd let the appropriate professional do so for me.

Impeach Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Sequoia Voting Systems and Diebold Election Systems Inc. need to be investigated and charged with illegal vote tampering in thirteen elections across California and the United States. Master Criminals like Randy 'Duke' Cunningham , have accepted huge payments from private government contractors, Brent Wilkes and John T. Michael, who have yet to be tried. SOMEONE exposed Valerie Plame, Ambassador Joe Willson's CIA wife , to the media, putting her life, the lives of her network of African informers, and the security of our nation at risk. Who will do the work of investigating such American traitors? Attorney General Alberto Gonzales? There are war profiteers hiding billions, private mercenary armies being trained in urban warfare, and the military has developed microwave machines to 'disburse' crowds of protesters. At what point are you prepared to do something to protect your country? It is time to start impeaching those accountable. Check out this new video from...

You learn to know a pilot in a storm.

The most truly conservative U.S. Military Generals keep retiring from the Military in disgust. Why do you think that is?

Robert Greenwald - another great American Hero

Robert Greenwald should have told that fool, that profit in itself is not evil, only when one makes profit by the destruction of human lives, as do war profiteers, tobacco companies, and Georgia Congressmen (especially on no-bid contracts and government monopolies). When called before the House Appropriations Committee and explain the breadth and extent of the war profiteering, Robert Greenwald was attacked by Jack Kingston (REP-GA-1st), for "war profiteering" on the IRAQ For SALE - War Documentary. (click here to see what Republicans in refused to allow in testimony) Rep. Kingston was asleep at the wheel, he dumbly never checked what a documentary film is, much less realized that Greenwald donated his producing skill to his films. The Evil Congressman from Georgia has made his deal with the devil, and must attack anyone who doesn't pay bribes into the Republican political machine. Stupid Jack, the man who didn't understand, that the rash of new expose' films and ...

Constitutional Crisis Brewing

Damn that's one articulate dude. Like he needs that caffeene brew.

Jerrimy Sanchill - My HERO

This is why we elected a democratic congress, so that they could hold hearings, and reveal the truth.

Teach You Children

Talaban Cheerleaders Send Al $10.00 today, and help him smother another republican with wit and courage.

The Danger of Evolution

At the Republican presidential debate Thursday, the candidates were asked whether they believe in evolution. Three of the candidates raised their hands to said they do not. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas; Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas; and Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado all reject the scientific fact of evolution in favor of religious fundamentalism. A later AP story quoted Huckabee saying, "'I'm not sure what in the world that has to do with being president of the United States.'' That whether evolution is a fact could be the next president in 2007 is indeed scary. Even worse is that people like this currently occupy key positions of power in the US. George Bush says “the jury is still out” on evolution. Those who reject scientific fact, make up their own truth, and let it guide their actions. This is the definition of insanity Who needs proof of WMD to justify invading another country, when you can create the "truth" as you g...

550 tons of yellow cake, LOST IN IRAQ?

According to Former CIA Director, George Tenent, on Jan. 28, 2003, when Bush uttered the 16 words about Nigerian yellow cake (uranium), he had advised the administration not to use those words in two previous speeches. He let it slip on "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert (05/07/07), that the CIA believed Saddam already had 550 tons of yellow cake stored in IRAQ. If that was the case, why didn't the UN inspectors tell us that? More importantly, why didn't the administration use THAT fact as a reason to go to war with Iraq? (Why lie about Nigeria?) And WHERE IS THAT URANUM TODAY!!!? THAT MUCH URANIUM COULD BE USED TO MAKE MULTIPLE NUCLEAR BOMBS! If it fell into the hands of any of the other countries in the Middle- East or terrorists, or Blackwater, or anyone, it could be used or sold and kill millions, or start a global war.

Another Blackwater Update - JEREMY SCAHILL

Questions: Is it a good idea to outsource our national security? Our Military? Our Special Forces? Is it a good idea to use our taxes to hire private security and intelligence firms? Is it a good idea to use hired-guns as bodyguards for our military commanders like General Peatraus? What happens if we don't pay them enough? What happens if the Saudi's, or the Chinese, or the Russian Mob are wiling to pay them more? by Jeremy Scahill Praetorian Guard Storm Trooper Waffen-SS If these companies are immune from the military code of justice, because they are private companies, and yet free from civil prosecution, due to the fact they are part of U.S. "Total Force" in the "War on Terror", and they able to hide behind the fog of war and use the excuse that their actions are "Classified" and therefore immune to accountability, why should we trust them? If this is legal, what is to stop anyone from starting a company and becoming a "Security Consultan...