Another Blackwater Update - JEREMY SCAHILL

Is it a good idea to outsource our national security? Our Military? Our Special Forces?
Is it a good idea to use our taxes to hire private security and intelligence firms?
Is it a good idea to use hired-guns as bodyguards for our military commanders like General Peatraus?
What happens if we don't pay them enough?
What happens if the Saudi's, or the Chinese, or the Russian Mob are wiling to pay them more?

by Jeremy Scahill

Praetorian Guard

Storm Trooper


If these companies are immune from the military code of justice, because they are private companies, and yet free from civil prosecution, due to the fact they are part of U.S. "Total Force" in the "War on Terror", and they able to hide behind the fog of war and use the excuse that their actions are "Classified" and therefore immune to accountability, why should we trust them?

If this is legal, what is to stop anyone from starting a company and becoming a "Security Consultant"?
Can't we all be Mercenaries? Can't we all carry military weapons for defense purposes? Can we all torture people, just as the Blackwater consultants did at Abu Ghraib?

Democracy Now: Privatized Warfare in Iraq (1/2)

Democracy Now: Privatized Warfare in Iraq (2/2)

Democracy Now - on Blackwater West

It seems to me ...

Good people are not motivated by money alone. Yes, everyone needs to make a living, but people motivated only by money without ethics, are Mercenaries. Such people would not do a good job for you at any price. People who trade their time, their lives, their sacred honor for money are called prostitutes, when these hired-guns are willing to take the lives of others for profit, they are called MERCENARIES. Mercenaries are killers, murderers for hire.

Once people have their basic needs met (i.e. self preservation), GOOD people are then motivated by intangible abstract feelings, such as family or personal relationships, or self-actualization, the sense of being part of something bigger than themselves. Good people get their sense of meaning by helping others, saving lives, etc. We call these good people Heros, because they sacrifice their own safety, their time, their comfort, their potential in service to others.

Only sociopaths, people incapable of empathy, and thus unable to determine right from wrong, would be willing to kill other people for profit. If evil is the knowing destruction of sentient beings by others, then these soldiers are the obvious example. They are the U.S. equivalent of the Roman Praetorian Guard, or Iraq's Republican Guard, or the Waffen-SS. Most are former U.S. trained special forces, they have learned how to torture, kill, and survive, but they lack other marketable skills.

They are just the beginning of the Religious Right's Neo-Conservative Christan Army. In his 2007 State of the Union, G. W. Bush, detailed his desire to create and expand a "Civilian Reserve Core" (C.R.C.) of private soldiers, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. He plans to use these men instead of U.S. Military to control 'insurgents, thieves, and looters' around the world, including here inside the United States, as they did after Katrina.

Blackwater Mercenary Sniper

Blackwater (it is strictly coincidence that black water is also the euphemism given to mobile sewage tanks.)


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