Robert Greenwald - another great American Hero

Robert Greenwald should have told that fool, that profit in itself is not evil, only when one makes profit by the destruction of human lives, as do war profiteers, tobacco companies, and Georgia Congressmen (especially on no-bid contracts and government monopolies).

When called before the House Appropriations Committee and explain the breadth and extent of the war profiteering, Robert Greenwald was attacked by Jack Kingston (REP-GA-1st), for "war profiteering" on the IRAQ For SALE - War Documentary. (click here to see what Republicans in refused to allow in testimony)

Rep. Kingston was asleep at the wheel, he dumbly never checked what a documentary film is, much less realized that Greenwald donated his producing skill to his films.

The Evil Congressman from Georgia has made his deal with the devil, and must attack anyone who doesn't pay bribes into the Republican political machine. Stupid Jack, the man who didn't understand, that the rash of new expose' films and books documenting the extraordinary profit made by Private War Contractors are not designed to make money (the fact that they do just proves that they satisfy a need). They are intended to document the reasons we are killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, thousands of Americans, and sacrificing the potential of America. The film is about ending the evil that is destroying our America.

Republican Jack is diluted, he's been bought, used, and exposed, and it's time for his carrier to end. I know that Georgia is a backward slave state that still supports the confederate flag, but the good voters of Georgia must be smarter than this, they can't re-elect such a damn fool.

P.S. Another point is that if I don't like Jews like Streisand or Speilberg making a lot of money, I don't have to patronize them. We have no such choice about paying Hallibuton's bills. (Whoops, did I just reveal that Jack Kingston is an anti-semite too?)


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