BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Amazing FDR Speech & UPDATE on Brazil's Lula da...

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Amazing FDR Speech
 Political Revolution: "Despair is not an option"? "The forces of oligarchy and authoritarianism"? No centrism. Fascism is corporate control of government. We didn't get free college, like the boomers. We can't afford a house, because boomers have 4. We will not get social-security, as the boomers do. If the rich shared their wealth equally every U.S. Citizen would have $400,000/ each! Youth today will have a lower standard of living, on average, then their parents. Billions work for nothing, and 26 Billionaires have more wealth than 3,600,000,000 people. It's extremely rare for an AMERICAN Candidate for President to point this out, Bernie is putting a target on his back. Why are we such sheep? Why don't we stand up? Racism, red-baiting, xenophobia, classism, war-profiteers, government by 'organized money' = organized crime. "I welcome their hatred." "DEMOCRATIC Socialism doesn't mean we will abandon a free market." "The NEW DEAL (FDR) defeated extremism." Named: Wall Street, Prison Industrial System, Giant Agribusiness, Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, Health Insurance Companies, Fossil Fuel Companies. "Economic Rights are Human Rights!" "We must view ourselves as a single economy." Without economic justice you have no justice. They are trying to divide us. "Are you truly free if you can not go to the doctor, or become bankrupt when you leave the hospital?" "Are you truly free if you are forced to work past 70 years old?" "Are you truly free if you are mother of a new-born, but you are forced to go back to work." "Are you truly free if you're a homeless vet?" NO, you are not free. Wage slavery IS slavery. You should be able to live with dignity. Economic Bill of Rights: Job, Health-Care, Education, Housing, Clean Environment, Secure Retirement. Details to come.


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