"…in US Dirty Wars" — that's the headline from a column in The Guardian discussing Jeremy's investigation and the US-UK "special relationship" in covert warfare, published just as the film premiered in Britain.
On November 29, Britdoc Films released the movie in the UK and Ireland in cinemas, on iTunes, and through a direct digital download off our website.
With our campaign partners at the legal charity Reprieve (which Jeremy calls "one of the most amazing organizations in the world"), the film team also toured the country, talking about UK government collaboration with the US kill program and about the importance of a free press.
In the UK and Ireland, you can download the film directly or watch on iTunes. |
Top row, L to R: Britdoc Films' Jess Search and Jeremy Scahill outside the Ritzy in Brixton; Kat Craig, Legal Director of Reprieve, with Jeremy during Q+A after the premiere. Middle: A quote from Voltaire, the epigraph to the book Dirty Wars, on the readograph at the Rtizy. Bottom: Exhibit at the Reprieve table outside the theater; the beautiful Ritzy arches. |
Clockwise from top left: artist James Bridle; Drone Shadow outside the Ritzy Brixton on premiere night; projections at Hackney Picturehouse and outside Edinburgh cinema. |
In order to understand the world around us, we sometimes need to draw it out. If you can't really describe the world around you, you can't fully act in it, and are made powerless. When you can just describe it, you can debate and critique it. Drawing its shadow is just the first step.
Publishers Weekly placed it at #3 on its Top 10 Best Books for 2013, across all genres. Amazon selected it for the Top Ten of 2013 in Non-Fiction. And it was a finalist for the GoodReads Choice Awards 2013. The book is available in English worldwide and in Spanish and German, with more translations coming soon, including French and Arabic.
Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye outside the gates of the security prison, upon his release. |
On July 23, Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye left the security prison in Sana'a, Yemen's capital, after almost three years incarcerated, including time in solitary confinement and with beatings by his captors.
In the book and film, Jeremy tells the story of how Shaye, a highly respected journalist working for both local and international press (including CNN and the Washington Post), came to be in prison for so long, and why President Obama personally intervened to help keep him there.
The last sentence of Jeremy's book says of Shaye, "He should be set free." At every event, whether a book talk or a film Q+A, Jeremy talked about Shaye's case. And just last week, with fellow journalist Iona Craig, a reporter for The Times of London, Jeremy traveled to Geneva to accept a human rights defender award on Shaye's behalf from the Alkarama Foundation. |
A survivor of a December 2009 US cruise missile strike on al Majalah, Yemen, which killed 41 people, including 21 children and 14 women. Abdulelah Haider Shaye reported on this strike, exposing the US role. |
Game of Drones tour stops at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. |
This fall, Amnesty International USA organized a nationwide college campus bus tour,Game Of Drones (a nod to the HBO series). Each tour stop included a screening of the film, combined with training sessions and actions with local activists, all focused on ending secrecy around the US drone kill program.
In a reflection at the end of the tour, National Youth Program coordinator Kalaya'an Mendoza wrote:
Over 7 weeks as we toured the country, thousands decided that they were no longer willing to stand idle as people are killed in our names behind a shadowy "global war theory." Nearly 200,000 people followed the tour online, hundreds of students affirmed their commitment to human rights…. Our thanks to these amazing young activists and human rights defenders.
We've organized hundreds of campus and community screenings in the US and worldwide. Find out how to bring one to your town. |
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