New Apostolic Movement, a uniquely American cancer

I've published posts on this subject before, but people easily forget, and I saw this new video explaining how they plan to infiltrate the 'seven mountains', so I wanted remind you about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Movement. For more see - NPR's report on NAR

An emerging Christian movement that seeks to take dominion over politics, business and culture in preparation for the end times and the return of Jesus, is becoming more of a presence in American politics. The leaders are considered apostles and prophets, gifted by God for this role.
The international "apostolic and prophetic" movement has been dubbed by its leading American architect, C. Peter Wagner, as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Although the movement is larger than the network organized by Wagner — and not all members describe themselves as part of Wagner's NAR — the so-called apostles and prophets of the movement have identifiable ideology that separates them from other evangelicals.
"They teach quite literally that these 'mountains' have fallen under the control of demonic influences in society," says Tabachnick. "And therefore, they must reclaim them for God in order to bring about the kingdom of God on Earth. ... The apostles teach what's called 'strategic level spiritual warfare' [because they believe that the] reason why there is sin and corruption and poverty on the Earth is because the Earth is controlled by a hierarchy of demons under the authority of Satan. So they teach not just evangelizing souls one by one, as we're accustomed to hearing about. They teach that they will go into a geographic region or a people group and conduct spiritual-warfare activities in order to remove the demons from the entire population. This is what they're doing that's quite fundamentally different than other evangelical groups."

Global Priorities - Supreme court in Guatamala, Prison systems in Columbia, FBI in Mexico
"Through the Covert re-education of culture and the Overt preaching of the Gospel we now have the tools to transform nations. You can use Jehova Sneaky." - Lance Wallnau


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