It is time for the rage to begin. Let the wrath of the righteous be unleashed.


Someday, history will record the craziness in the idea that the most important new political movement in the 21st century (so far)—the Tea Party—was inspired by the rage of a cable news reporter. On February 19, 2009, Rick Santelli of CNBC launched into a rant on the floor of Chicago Mercantile Exchange, about the "losers" who were about to be helped by a meager mortgage relief package just signed into law by President Obama. (That program turned out to be a bust for those it intended to help.) "The government is promoting bad behavior," Santelli fumed. And he promised a "Chicago Tea Party in July"—a promise which then launched the Tea Party movement.

There is reason to be angry about the mess our economy is in. But it is crazy—literally crazy—to point to "the losers" as the cause. Instead, we need a Nation that at least understands the source of the disasters that surround us now. Last night, with some friends, I saw the very first great and accessible account of that source: A film narrated by Matt Damon—Inside Job.

Please see this film. It is an extraordinary documentary about the financial mess. It assigns the blame in a way that we can act upon. It is a story about influence producing insanity—within business, the academy, and most importantly, government. If America saw this story, there would be change. We want to do what we can to get people to at least watch.

Here's a list of opening dates for the film. Please take your 1,000 best friends to see it, and then ask your 10,000 best friends to help spread the word.

It will take more than soundbites from CNBC to bring America to the understanding it needs to Fix Congress First. This film is a fantastic first step.

—Lawrence Lessig


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