Bruce Dixon, of the Black Agenda Report, and a member of the Move to Amend steering committee, wants to know. As a corporation, its assets are protected and its liability is limited; but if its board, officers, or major shareholders want to throw the company’s weight behind a candidate, it has the same speech rights as a person. BP won’t be indicted for murder or even negligent homicide in the deaths of the 11 oil workers on the Deepwater rig even though, as Dixon writes, “most or all of the first wave of Gulf Coast states where the oil slick will wash all have capital punishment for people.”

“Centuries ago,” Dixon writes, “most of the humans who mattered agreed that kings, queens and nobly born… had the god given right to ride roughshod over humanity.” Corporations, and those who control them, have much in common with that old-style aristocracy. How long before we come together to toss them off their thrones?


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