Why haggle with our political rights?

No Non-U.S.-Citizen may participate in U.S. Federal Politics via political speech or campaign contribution.

This is not a debate about weather non-citizens (like corporations and foreigners) should have free speech. This is a debate about a particular kind of political speech. Just as it is illegal to defame or to endanger people with speech, so it must be illegal for non-citizens to engage in campaign speech.

This says nothing about speaking through legal citizens, nor does is limit financial influence, as campaign finance laws are a separate matter, it just takes non-citizens out of the political game. A game in which they do not belong. A game in which these non-citizens have not earned (that corporations can not earn) the right to participate.

Corporations are not people, thus they can not be citizens, and should not have voting rights or direct political influence. Foreign Nationals are not citizens and have no legal rights other than those we choose to give them.

There is no need to haggle.

Amend the U.S. Constitution:
"Non-U.S.-Citizens may not participate in U.S. Federal Politics via political speech or campaign contribution. Only humans may be citizens of the United States of America, and shall have the right to participate in the Federal political process. All non-citizen speech related to Federal political campaigns is strictly prohibited."


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