History Lesson on Senate Filibuster

With such courageous leaders, no wonder America is the 'greatest' nation on earth.

Without some basic healthcare for aliens, you risk public health because diseases don't discriminate. (easy fix, increase criminal penalties for hiring illegals, with no economic refugees, then everyone is a citizen.)

Without funding for reproductive health, like abortions, you sacrifice poor women to the alter of a religious mob. (easy fix, treat each individual patient based upon their stated religion, no christians get abortions at any stage of pregnancy, while others can choose more reasonable healthcare.)

Without reasonable tort penalties for giant corporations, you risk public health in the name of profit maximization. (easy fix, keep unlimited tort penalties that can put irresponsible big corporations out of business, yet limit lawyer fees to a flat rate, so they don't get rich off frivolous law suits).

Ultimately, the filibuster is a Senate rule, not part of the US Constitution, so any brave senator could stand up and make a motion to change the rule, or eliminate it, via a 2/3 vote of the Senate. The fact that they don't change the rule, demonstrates their culpability, corruption, and cowardice.


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