When Heaters Harm Democracy, Is Free Speech Enough?

Forget what you learned in civics about the Founding Fathers — we're the children of Barnum and Bailey, our founding con men. Their freak show was the forerunner of today's talk radio. - Bill Moyers

Henry Giroux, describes the growing domination of hate radio as one of the crucial elements in a "culture of cruelty" increasingly marked by overt racism, hostility and disdain for others, coupled with a simmering threat of mob violence.

Under the Bush administration, a seeping, sometimes galloping, authoritarianism began to reach into every vestige of the culture, giving free rein to those anti-democratic forces in which religious, market, military and political fundamentalism thrived, casting an ominous shadow over the fate of United States democracy. During the Bush-Cheney regime, power became an instrument of retribution and punishment was connected to and fueled by a repressive state. A bullying rhetoric of war, a ruthless consolidation of economic forces, and an all-embracing free-market apparatus and media driven pedagogy of fear supported and sustained a distinct culture of cruelty and inequality in the United States. - From "Living in a culture of cruelty" by Henry A. Giroux

In this deranged and dysfunctional democracy, where living in denial is the standard and truth-telling is deviant behavior, devious confidence men have developed weapons of mass distraction to destroy your sense of balance, Liberty One must re-define the media, or else become part of the problem.


  1. TV is also working to degrade civility as the way to treat other people. Jerry Springer and other similar pandering TV personalities have lowered the bar in what is considered reasonable public/private behavior.

    I'm not about to suggest that there isn't a 'market place' demand for their public pandering to the lowest levels of popular behavior. I would like to think that maybe the 'leadership' types would try and live a little above the 'common' behavior and thereby set a higher mark for people to try and emulate.

    Of course this would kind of put a damper on some 'news' organizations activities!


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