
Showing posts from September, 2009

Go See A Movie: Michael Moore - Capitalism, a love story

Capitalist Michael Moore Makes Money!

Healthcare Not Warfare!

or, Create a Petition Why do we kill people who have done nothing against us? Because WAR is the Profit-Center for Empire!

When Heaters Harm Democracy, Is Free Speech Enough?

Forget what you learned in civics about the Founding Fathers — we're the children of Barnum and Bailey, our founding con men. Their freak show was the forerunner of today's talk radio. - Bill Moyers Henry Giroux, describes the growing domination of hate radio as one of the crucial elements in a "culture of cruelty" increasingly marked by overt racism, hostility and disdain for others, coupled with a simmering threat of mob violence. Under the Bush administration, a seeping, sometimes galloping, authoritarianism began to reach into every vestige of the culture, giving free rein to those anti-democratic forces in which religious, market, military and political fundamentalism thrived, casting an ominous shadow over the fate of United States democracy. During the Bush-Cheney regime, power became an instrument of retribution and punishment was connected to and fueled by a repressive state. A bullying rhetoric of war, a ruthless consolidation of economic forces, and an all-...

Front Groups = Corporate Astroturffing

PR Watch lists the innumerable new front groups popping up to try and defeat government regulations that will end corporate profits. A front group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned. The front group is perhaps the most easily recognized use of the third party propaganda technique. One of the best examples is Rick Berman's Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), which claims that its mission is to defend the rights of consumers to choose to eat, drink and smoke as they please. In reality, though, CCF is a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and alcoholic beverage industries, which provide all or most of its funding. Not all organizations that engage in manipulative efforts to shape public opinion can be classified as "front groups," however. The now-defunct Tobacco Institute was a highly deceptive industry trade and lobbying group, but it didn't...

9/11 - The Myth and the Reality, David Ray Griffin

A 90 minute, free online summary of the Myth that 9/11 was a terrorist attack on the United States. Please watch this episode of the Commonwealth Club of California .