Poems from Guantanamo

In the national discussion about closing Guantanamo, the voices of those most directly affected - the men held in Guantanamo - are often lost or obscured. Join CCR Executive Director Vincent Warren on Monday, April 13, 2009 in Ventura, CA for an evening of "Poems from Guantanamo" and a discussion of the first 100 Days of the Obama administration, evaluating what must be done going forward to close Guantanamo, end torture, and secure justice for its victims.

Vincent Warren will also discuss CCR's 100 Days campaign, which calls for ending torture, rendition, and illegal detention, protecting dissent, abolishing preventive detention, limiting the state secrets privilege, reining in presidential war powers, stopping warrantless wiretapping and rolling back executive power.

WHAT: "Poems from Guantanamo" Readings and Discussion
WHO: Vincent Warren, CCR Executive Director
WHEN: Monday, April 13, 2009, 7:00 pm
WHERE: A Place of Peace, 896 E. Main St. Ventura, CA
ADMISSION: $10 donation, no one turned away for lack of funds

"Poems from Guantanamo" is a collection of poems by Guantánamo detainees and arranged by habeas lawyer Marc Falkoff. The poems will be read and performed by a number of Ventura area poets and community members. This event is sponsored by Veterans for Peace, the Peace Poets Ensemble, A Place of Peace and the Center for Constitutional Rights.

We look forward to seeing you.


Annette Dickerson
Director of Education and Outreach

Poems from Guantanamo


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