Imagine a country with FAIR, CLEAN elections.

We have very important news. Yesterday, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) introduced their groundbreaking bill to replace special-interest-funded elections with citizen-funded elections for Congress.

This bill is the centerpiece of the "donor strike" we've been organizing for months -- and now is the time that other lawmakers can formally add their names as supporters.

We urgently need your help to pressure Congress to support reform. Our new online "whip count" tool makes it easy for you to call your representatives and ask them to support this bill.

Can you take 1 minute to contact Congress today? Just click here to get started.

Some current and former Google employees have been volunteering with Change Congress to help design this new tool replicating the "whip count" process congressional leaders use to count votes. Now that power is in your hands. It's pretty neat.

It shows co-sponsors of the Durbin-Specter bill, and how much money each non-sponsor is losing because of our donor strike. If your representative is not a co-sponsor, click the "Whip" link beside their name to contact their office and report back the results. You can also thank supporters.

We provide some talking points you can use during your call, but feel free to also speak from the heart about why you support reform.

This is a team effort. By crowd-sourcing the "whipping" of votes, we can quickly move lawmakers to our side. Can you take a minute to help whip the vote?

Just click here to begin.

Thank you for making such a big difference in this fight.

-- Lawrence Lessig

P.S. A special thanks to Anne Halsall and a Google employee who wishes to remain anonymous for their great work on this new tool that will empower so many people to take action.


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