100 Days: Obama is failing to save the Constitution

According to the score card published by the Center for Constitutional Rights, the first 100 Days of the Obama Administration have fallen far short of the Change We Need.

I can't begin to express my disappointment with the situation. It seems like we hired a hero, and got someone who plans on saving only those wealthy enough to pay for the change they want. I'm sick to my stomach.

Here is a quick Review:

  • Prosecutions and Accountability - Incomplete

  • Ending Torture - Unfinished Promise

  • Ending Unlawful Detention and Extraordinary Rendition - Early Hopes Fading Fast

  • Abolishing Preventive Detention - Dangerous Silence

  • Protecting Dissent - Action Needed

  • Reigning in Presidential War Powers - War Machine Rolls On

  • Ending Abuse of the State Secrets Privilege - Continuing Bush's Path

  • Stopping Warrantless Wiretapping - Impunity Immunity

  • Rolling Back Executive Power - Imperial Presidency


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