The man who suborned torture should not be a federal judge.

Help CREDO Tell Rep. Davis: Impeach Jay Bybee.

Jay Bybee wrote memos giving the Bush administration legal cover to undermine the Constitution. He should not be a federal judge.

When presidents and federal judges take office, they must swear to support and defend the Constitution. But federal judge Jay Bybee worked long and hard to undermine the Bill of Rights — and to make sure that President George W. Bush could do the same.

On March 2, the Justice Department released a series of legal memos, some authored by Jay Bybee, that gave the Bush Administration legal cover to wiretap Americans without court approval, to send prisoners oversees where they were likely to be tortured, to use U.S. military forces for domestic purposes, and a number of other actions that previously would have been considered unconstitutional.

For his service, Bybee was rewarded by the Bush administration with a federal judgeship — a lifetime appointment. CREDO worked to oppose his nomination, but only 19 senators sided with us, and Bybee was overwhelmingly confirmed. Now that we know the extent of the crimes he authorized — the extent to which he worked against our own Constitution — Bybee must be impeached.

The Bush administration didn't bother to repudiate the Bybee memos until five days before President Obama took office. While his federal judgeship is a lifetime appointment, Congress has the power to remove him from the bench. The House Judiciary Committee should begin impeachment hearings immediately to learn the full scope of Bybee's successful campaign to undermine the Constitution.

Click here to tell Rep. Davis to vote to impeach Judge Bybee.

Thank you for working to support and defend our Constitution.


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