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The Yes Men Change the World War by Other Means - a prescient video about the IMF from 1993 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward The Corporation Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics Capitalism IS the Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity Inside Job Capitalism: A Love Story Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy Rise Like Lions: O.W.S. and the Seeds of Revolution The Secret of Oz
When David met Goliath in the Old Testament, King Saul and his army, afraid to meet Goliath's challenge sent a shepard boy to battle the giant. The new movie, In the Valley of Elah , asks the important question "What kind of King send a boy to fight the giant?". Go see the film, and use it to change the debate. This Friday, September 21st 2007, Oscar award winning director and writer Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby) releases his new movie, In the Valley of Elah ( The movie, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon, is about soldiers returning home from Iraq and the psychological effects they endure once they return. It is a stunning anti war film which will have a profound impact on anyone that watches it. When the film enters wide release throughout the US on the 21st, we want to have Kucinich supporters at every theatre in the nation to accomplish four things: Go see the film – you need to see it to talk about it. And ...
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