Democracy Now! - Buy Low, Never Sell

At this historic time, we have a chance to put down the roots of democracy in our media. Buy democracy for the holiday and your contribution will be doubled, and at these low prices you can't loose. Leverage your investment, by buying in at the bottom of the market, we have no place to go but up.

Dear Friend,

Make a sound investment in Democracy Now!

Clockwise from top: Amy Goodman, Nicole Salazar and Sharif Abdel Kouddous arrested while reporting at the Republican National Convention.
On Election Day, a record number of voters turned out to participate in our political process. How can we make sure those voices continue to be heard?

Today, I write to ask you to strengthen our democracy in another way -- by supporting independent media.

Donate here:

As we confront unprecedented global crises -- from global warming, to global warring, to a global economic meltdown -- there is also an unprecedented opportunity for change. Who will define this change? Where will innovative thinkers, grassroots activists, human rights leaders, and ordinary citizens come together to hash out solutions to today's most pressing problems?

Help Democracy Now! go to where the silence is. Now more than ever, we need media that go beyond that small circle of pundits on all the networks who know so little about so much, explaining the world to us and getting it so wrong.

Everyday, Democracy Now! brings you real news and information from across communities, issues, generations, and the world. We see Democracy Now! as a huge kitchen table that stretches across the globe. It's a place where people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and opinions often excluded from commercial media can debate the most important issues of the day.

We don't accept advertising income, corporate sponsorship, or government funding. We rely on donations from viewers and listeners like you to maintain our editorial independence.

Click here to donate now!

At times we pay a price for being independent, unembedded journalists -- and not just in cash. At the Republican National Convention I was arrested, along with producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous, Nicole Salazar, and more than forty other journalists, while reporting on street demonstrations. After widespread public outcry, the charges against us were dropped. We didn't expect to be arrested at the RNC, but this is the kind of risk we must be willing to take to bring you independent news.

With your financial support Democracy Now! can continue to do what it takes to bring you news you can trust.

Democracy Now! is gaining momentum. We are the largest public media collaboration in the country, broadcasting on over 750 public TV and radio stations. Over 200 of these stations carry our headlines in Spanish. In October, our website received over 3.5 million visits, and the numbers just keep growing.

In October, we were honored to be chosen for the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "alternative Nobel Prize". The award recognizes Democracy Now! as an "innovative model of truly independent grassroots political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by the mainstream media." The award will be presented in a ceremony in the Swedish Parliament in December -- it's the first time the award will be presented to a journalist.

By contributing to Democracy Now! today you ensure that our news and analysis will be available to millions more.

Click here to donate now!

We are on the move! Your financial support today will enable us to finish building our new home -- an eco-friendly digital broadcast center in the middle of Manhattan. Our cutting-edge use of technology will allow us to bring you voices from the farthest reaches of the globe on a budget that is a fraction of what the networks spend on their news shows.

Our new home will be a training center for a new generation of grassroots journalists and provide resources to teachers who use Democracy Now! in their classrooms. In this new facility we will be able to translate the full hour of Democracy Now! into Spanish and other languages.

Help us build our home. Your contribution will be matched by a generous donor, doubling the impact of your gift.

Your donation to Democracy Now! has important ripple effects. We travel around the country raising awareness and funds for independent radio and television stations. Our goal is to inspire people to protect free speech media outlets, and to fight the latest attempts by cable and telecom companies to consolidate media ownership and eliminate community media.

Together we can break the sound barrier! In these challenging times, make a sound investment that pays a daily dividend: a free and independent media.

In 2009, Democracy Now! will be on the ground covering the new administration and its policies. We'll seek out those most affected by the decisions of the powerful; courageous people who are unafraid to speak truth to power -- and know that times change because people make them change.

Click here to donate now!

Donate by Thursday December 18th at 11:59 PM ET to receive your thank-you gifts in time for the holidays!

We thank you for being part of the Democracy Now! family and wish you all the best in the New Year.

Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman

P.S. We still have Inaugural Peace Ball tickets for January 20th in Washington, DC as well as tickets for a NY evening with author Louise Erdrich and Amy Goodman. Click here:


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