Is Posse Comitatus Dead?

Matt Rothschild writes in The Progressive about the 3rd Infantry being back in the US, where it is being trained for domestic counter-insurgency. He was on Democracy Now Tuesday.

"On October 1, the Pentagon, for the first time ever, dedicated an Army force specifically to NorthCom, which is in charge of securing not some foreign region but the United States of America. The unit it assigned is the 3rd Infantry, First Brigade Combat Team, which has spent three of the last five years in Iraq. It was one of the first units to get to Baghdad, and it was active in retaking and patrolling Fallujah. One of its specialties is counterinsurgency. This marks a change for NorthCom, which was established on October 1, 2002. Its website still says it 'has few permanently assigned forces,' and that 'the command is assigned forces whenever necessary to execute missions, as ordered by the President and the Secretary of Defense.'"

Yes, this is alarming, given the militarization of the border, militarization of the schools, and the spectacle of military-like policing in St. Paul last month. Here is ONE MORE CHANCE --before we send it on to the City Councils of Denver and St. Paul -- to sign the petition against the abuse of political protest in those cities during the conventions.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime


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