Center for Constitutiona Rights, in Los Angeles

We're excited to be coming to Los Angeles, and we hope we get a chance to meet you. Please join us on Thursday, October 23, 2008 for this exciting speech by CCR Executive Director Vincent Warren at the Jonathan Club, presented by Town Hall Los Angeles. Town Hall has now extended its member pricing discount for tickets to CCR's supporters. (Tickets are now only $48, a 20% discount!) When purchasing tickets online, please select "member" and enter "CCR" in the comments box provided. We urge you to quickly purchase your tickets and reserve your space at this important event today. For California attorneys, MCLE credits are available for attending this program.

The topic of Mr. Warren's address will be "100 Days to Constitutional Restoration: What the Next President Must Do." Over the last eight years, the Bush administration has systematically dismantled some of the most important rights and protections in the United States Constitution. In the first 100 days of office, the next president can---often with the stroke of a pen---restore, protect, and expand the fundamental rights on which our nation was founded.

Vincent Warren will discuss the Center's 100 Days Campaign, which calls for ending torture, rendition, and illegal detention, protecting dissent, abolishing preventive detention, limiting state secrets privilege, restoring the War Powers Act, stopping warrantless wiretapping, and rolling back executive power. Mr. Warren will present the crucial ways that all of us need to keep the pressure on the next president to Restore the Constitution.

The event will feature a cocktail reception followed by the program with a question and answer session. To purchase tickets please visit Town Hall's website, space is limited so please buy your tickets early. For more information please contact José Monzon at

Town Hall Los Angeles Presents
"100 Days to Constitutional Restoration:
What the Next President Must Do"

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
Cocktail Reception: 6pm; Program: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Town Hall Los Angeles, The Jonathan Club
545 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Members of Town Hall: $48
Guest of Members: $48
Non-Town Hall Members: $60

We hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Annette Warren Dickerson

Director of Education and Outreach


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