What is at stake in this nation of United States, is nothing less than our very soul. The current administration has taken liberty with our fundamental laws and stripped us of the very bill of rights that incorporate the foundation of our republic. The Republican Party, corrupted by corporate interests, had raped our freedom and stolen our integrity.

We as democrats can not play tit for tat revenge politics and swing this country into an idealized socialism that will cause yet another backlash. We need to make real, specifically detailed arguments for every change we wish to bring, and we must bring on board the very same ignorant conservatives that are responsible for our current state affairs. Else we risk dividing this nation forever between rich and poor, elitists and populists, Republican and Democrat. In short, we must educate those responsible for our downfall into those who, through their efforts, will help us restore our true American Values, and achieve our ultimate potential.

This will NOT be easy. To forgive our brothers and sisters their sins will take great courage. To do so we need courageous leaders who can articulate what separates our people and demonstrate the righteousness of our cause. As President we need a person capable of speaking to things greater than our petty differences and calling All Americans to atone, and better our nation.

I know that I could not do that, my NEED to hold the Bush administration accountable for their horrible crimes, for the torture, and the death that they have needlessly caused, is far too great. I believe that no American, not even the President himself is above our fundamental Law, the Constitution of these United States, and that justice must be done if we are to continue as a Nation, united in value and purpose. I can not pardon the crimes committed against us, nor those committed in our name against humanity. I have no stomach for our Brothers excuses. I am not a saint, I would have them live by the golden rule, an eye for an eye.

However, America, my homeland, can not afford to be divided at this time, the failures of our current leadership have been too great. We need strong people who can move beyond all these failures. We need someone who can speak knowledgeably and knowingly to ALL Americans, and bridge the gaps that divide us.

We need a healer, someone who can correct the errors of our ways and inspire us to again reach for our full potential. Someone who can re-define our American Dream, not as a competition among ourselves to oppress others, but as a cooperative venture to spread our uniquely American Liberty, justly, throughout the world. We need what is best in each of us, and leaders who can bring that out.


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