Vote by June: No on CA Prop. 98

I think that It is unethical for one man to control what others need to survive. Basic needs include air, water, food, and shelter.

If you believe as I do that no one should be at the mercy of another to secure their basic needs, please learn about California Propositions 98 and 99, and vote by June.

CA Prop. 98 on the surface is apparently a bill to help "renters, homeowners and the environment", but includes dangerous legal consequences that:
1) eliminate renter protections and rent control
2) guts environmental protections, laws that combat climate change, and protect land, water, air, and our coasts.
3) hurts our students by decreasing revenue that is earmarked for schools
4) hinders long range public planning, threatening our environment and water supply by allowing uncontrolled development
5) although it purports to challenge and reduce government powers of eminent domain, these constitutional amendments will hinder many appropriate uses of eminent domain law to protect public health and safety, and reward slum lords for inappropriate behavior.

Learn more about CA Prop 98.

CA Prop. 99 is counter legislation, it correctly protects owner-occupied residence from eminent domain by government for private development.
This is to counter the US Supreme Court's infamous Kelo decision.
Prop. 99 has limitations that allow for public works and health or safety uses of eminent domain.
It doesn't give up the environment to wealthy land lords and developers, yet it protects you from loosing your home to a government influenced by big money land developers.
Don't let the Kelo decision stand, because it could be your home that is taken next. Vote Yes on CA Prop. 99.

Learn More about CA Prop. 99.



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