Engage the Dialog!

Last Sunday, at the San Diego County Community Coalition's Progressive Summit Meeting, five progressive candidates from around the county gave their stump speeches and answered questions from the crowd.

Mike Copass - A Progressive Democrat for U.S. Congress, 53rd District (Running against Susan Davis)
Copass, a molecular biologist, said some interesting things about education and opportunity, and the "systematic destruction of American potential".

Raymond Lutz - Democratic Candidate for California's 77th Assembly District and founder of the Citizens' Oversight Projects. Ray had some very interesting ideas about how to provide accountability and transparency in our democratic voting processes. Namely: NO electronic Voting Machines, Paper Ballots, and Visual Scanners to Digitally Copy Every Ballot and make them available online for independent verification by all!

Ray Lutz, also answered questions about the SDG&E "Sunrise Powerlink", a $2-BILLION scam to import liquified natural gas from Indonesia, turn it into electricity in Mexicali, then bring the energy across the border by way of this new taxpayer funded transmission link. We must stop the Powerlink!

Next, Floyd Morrow - Running for San Diego Mayor, Democrat. He blew me out of the water with his candid comments about the nature of politics and his understanding that the systems of power are created to put our natural resources in under the control of a very few.

Cheryl Ede - Democrat for US Congress, 50th District, running against Brian Bilbray. She was very composed and professional, gave her speech with aplomb, then stepped out before questions were asked.

Rudy Reyes - Running for San Diego County Supervisor. Reyes was a burn surviver from the 2003 San Diego County Cedar Fire, and after watching the county burn again in fall 2007 he has stepped up to fix the problems with our fire fighting policies. His tragic story may give us a progressive, proactive approach to county supervision.

Next Sunday: come witness a historic debate between incumbent Democratic Congresswoman, Susan Davis, and up and coming Progressive, Mike Copass.


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