All of us must all rise together, or all of us will fall together!

It's about your hopes, It's about your dreams!
It's about what's possible when a new generation of Americans sand up and say:
"We are not going to settle for what is, we are going to imagine what might be."

You know, there is a moment like that that happens in the life of every generation. Where we shed our fear, and we shed our doubt, and we shed our cynicism. When we roll up our sleeves and arm in arm start rebuilding this country.

This is our moment, this is our time.

We are a self reliant people, we are an independent people, but we are not a people that turns our back on one another. We are a people that depends upon each other, that believes that all of us must all rise together, or all of us will fall together!

That is the American story!

YOU and I together we will change this country and we will change the world!

God bless America!

- Barak Obama, May 19, 2008


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