taken offline by US courts. uses the popular "User Contributions" web technology of a WIKI to provide a forum for WHISTLE BLOWERs world wide to air information that reports various forms of wrongdoing. This is a great anonymous service that puts a great check on governments and businesses that would harm people or the environment for profit.
"The US arm of Wikileaks, a website that makes it easy for whistleblowers to leak documents, has been cut off after hosting evidence that claimed a bank located in the Cayman Islands engaged in money laundering and tax evasion."
Julius Baer, the illicit banking enterprise in the Cayman's, claims that the leaked records were 'stolen and forged'. This suspicious statement is perplexing? Why would someone steal forged documents to post on Many believe that the bank is just trying to protect its illegal tax evading customers and keep them from fleeing the sinking ship.
Although still technically available at, their IP number, is essentially censored by the US government. The ACLU and other liberty protection organizations are defending
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