Water-Boarding (i.e. Torture)

Today NPR program DAY TO DAY, reported on the trial, after FIVE years of imprisonment, of a SUSPECTED terrorist who has been tortured by the USA. Amazingly, the former prison warden, Col. Morris Davis, has come forward to testify on the "terrorists" behalf against the very system that has failed to bring us justice.

"Guantanamo Bay detainee Salim Ahmed Hamdan faces life in prison if an upcoming military tribunal convicts him of conspiracy and supporting terrorism. Now Col. Morris Davis, the former chief military prosecutor at Gitmo, says he will testify on Hamdan's behalf if permitted to do so."

They then interviewed the new Guantanimo Prison Warden, Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann.

When asked if he thought that testimony gained by 'WATER-BOARDING' (i.e. CONTROLLED DROWNING, not the boating sport) should be allowed in MILITARY COURT, the current POLITICALLY APPOINTED Commander at Guantanimo Bay, Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann dodged the question, and interviewing reporter, Madeline Brand, failed to press him.

He also said that there are no political influences at Guantanimo. By definition all military actions are apolitical, right?

Our government failed us. Our military failed us. Now, our media have failed us.

Personally, I would like to have FIVE minutes alone with Thomas Hartmann and a bucket of water. I bet I could change his opinions.


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