Just Not Right

Wow, only five year after the beginning of the Iraq War, someone in congress finally has the courage to ask the hard questions about going into war!

Lucky for us, according to the integrity of Secretary Rice, the administration never lied to the American People about WMD. It would have been WRONG to lie, so the instead they made the best judgement that they could. So far that judgement has cost the US its "moral superiority", its reputation, 4000 troops (note: does not include 'contractors'), $2-TRILLION, and that doesn't count the wasted lives of at least half-a-million Iraqis. That doesn't include the tens-of-thousands of wounded Americans, and I will not mention the destruction of US Constitutional protections and our system of checks and balances, sacrificed in the name of "national security".

No, Rice used the best information she had, the fact that there were no WMD, the fact that there was no link to Al Queada, these false statements were "JUST NOT RIGHT". So, according to Secretary Rice, the loss to the world of the American potential and all our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms was not due to any wrong doing in the Bush Administration. It was simply a matter of incompetence.

(I especially like how she quotes the UN Security Council finding 1441, the same UN Findings that she and the Bush Administration shoved down the UN's throat and then choose to ignore when we decided to attack unilaterally. The Neo-Cons have always hated the UN and their potential to put limits on US military power, that's why they refused to pay UN dues. It is obvious that Condi just wants to use the words of her enemies against them, but she doesn't lie, she's just insincere. Irony kills.)


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