Beware Poems of Martyrs

Over the course of the last seven years, the US Administration has decided to throw out the US Constitution. Embarrassed by their abject failure to stop the horrors of 9/11, fearing that they will also fail to recognize or uncover countless other potential threats, they have become the very force for evil in the world that they claim to struggle against.

Now in the darkest hour of Islam, the USA creates martyrs by denying our military prisoners the basic human rights we give even the slimiest citizen criminal in our over packed domestic prisons.

We need to restore Habeas Corpus, the right to trial, even for the worst of our enemies. We need to treat the 'evil-doers' with the very respect that they would (reportedly) deny others, because that IS the difference between the righteous and evil. Good people do not fear truth, they do not cower from their imprisoned enemy. What harm can those we have do to us? Is our nation so weak, our society so bankrupt, that the act of simply ALLEGING a crime, or releasing their identity, will bring down our government?

The only way that could happen, is if these prisoners were falsely accused, falsely imprisoned, and tortured. If these prisoners, in our overseas military camps, these Prisoners of War, are indeed innocent, that could destroy our Government. If they are guilty, charge them, identify them, take them to trial. No strong democracy has anything to loose from exposing the truth. But if they have done nothing more than be in the wrong place at the wrong time, then fear them. Because if even a significant percentage of them are truly innocent, then they will become MARTYRS, the greatest heros of the new generation of ISLAM.

al salam alaikum - May Peace Be Upon You.

The Secrets of Saddam's Confession: No WMD's, No connection to Bin Laden, No body doubles, Saddam was just a weak, tired, old man, and would likely have fallen without the invasion of IRAQ by the US. Given the way he ultimately died, the incompetent US military even succeeded in crating a kind of Martyr out of this bad poet.

Beware Poems of Martyrs


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