John Edwards withdraws from the race.

Today John Edwards broke my heart.

We are faced with a strange dilemma, as progressive Democrats begin to take power from the clutches of those who would use power for their own gain (the religious fundamentalists and corporate republicans), we have been given the chance to make history by electing a woman or an African-American man to the highest office in the land. The symbolism does have a certain appeal to me, as either one's success will shut up the complaints of 'challengers' either female or black, but I still have reservations.

When I study the issues, and the various platforms of the candidates', it is obvious that John Edwards was the most progressive, the most honest, and the best one to pull this country back from the brink of oblivion. Only Dennis Kucinich has provided us with a smarter, more radical and more honorable path than John Edwards, but unfortunately Kucinich lacks the essential charisma and gravitas, a natural communication skill necessary to lead a nation such as ours.

Hillary Clinton is a politician, and although I believe her to be competent and intelligent enough to run this country well, she lacks a kind of moral idealism that both Edwards and Obama have communicated. There is no hope in her, she has accepted the world the way it is, and therefore I don't believe she will fight to make it the way it should become.

The only republican I would even consider is Ron Paul, but he is not really a republican is he? More like a libertarian Kucinich.

Thus we are left with Obama, and we could do worse. After seeing the speech by Ted Kennedy this week, I must admit that I am inspired. However, Obama has run a campaign that is conspicuously devoid of specifics. He has tried to remain a mystery, so that diverse groups can imagine him to be what they want, and that makes this man a cunning politician, and a manipulator. In not telling us specifically what he means by "CHANGE" or "HOPE", he lets us impose our desires upon him.

I don't trust people who know so well how to manipulate the public masses, but now we have no choice. Obama or death.

I hope he lives up to the hype. Our nation's freedom now depends upon him.


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