Halliburton/KBR Rape Survivor Fights Back

Jamie Leigh Jones - Founder of The Jamie Leigh Foundation on The People Speak Radio

Showtime: Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 - 8-9PM Eastern
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Jamie Leigh Jones is the founder of The Jamie Leigh Foundation and has brought charges against Halliburton/KBR stating that she was drugged and raped by Halliburton/KBR employees in July 2005 while working at Camp War Eagle in Iraq.

Jamie Leigh Jones was a young military wife, just 19 when she began working at KBR as an administrative assistant in Houston. About a year later, she was transferred to Iraq. While there, Jamie states that she was drugged and then raped by numerous unnamed coworkers inside the Baghdad Green Zone. After the incident, she says she was confined by armed guards under orders by her employer KBR to a shipping container containing only a bed and denied food, water, and medical forensics.

Jones used a borrowed cell phone to contact her father, who in turn contacted Representative Ted Poe (R, TX) who contacted the State Department. Agents were dispatched from the US Embassy in Baghdad and removed Jones from KBR custody. US Army medical doctors performed an examination that discovered proof of vaginal and anal rape, but that the sexual assault kit disappeared after being turned over to KBR security forces. According to her statement of facts, the kit was later found, but was missing a few key elements, including photos of her bruises. The kit does still contain the proof that she was raped.

The Justice Department has brought no criminal charges against the alleged assailants. Neither the U.S. or Iraqi legal systems can be applied to contractors in Iraq. Jones has filed a civil lawsuit against KBR and former parent corporation Halliburton. KBR has requested a private arbitration, and claims this is required by her employment contract. In private arbitration, there would be no judge or jury, and the case would be handled by an arbitrator hired by the corporation.

Jamie’s response has been quite heroic and inspiring, and she continues to seek justice as well as educate, inform, and offer help to other victims through her Jamie Leigh Foundation:

“The Jamie Leigh Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping United States citizens and legal residents who are victims of sexual harassment, rape and sexual abuse while working abroad for federal contractors, corporations, or government entities. We believe that overseas contractors and corporations should act responsibly, and be held accountable to provide safe housing and a work environment free of sexual harassment, and limit the potential for abuse. We believe that United States civilians who perpetrate crime while working in foreign countries should be held accountable for their actions. The Jamie Leigh foundation will assist victims through advocacy, education, referral and providing support. We work toward the day that no person shall face sexual abuse and harassment, and all persons, regardless of gender, will be able to work without fear, consternation, and safety concerns.”

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Why is this not the biggest story in the media? I've never even heard about this until today (Jan 2008)!

This exposes the Military Contractors for what they truly are. We need to end these no-bid contracts with Halliburton/KBR. Turn over their profits to the survivors.

Jamie Leigh's Foundation ( http://www.jamiesfoundation.org ) should be funded forever by the money these evil companies have stolen from us.

Each of the KBR Firefighters should be criminally prosecuted individually and sued civilly for everything they made working for KBR, hell everything they have got.

Compensation is one thing, punishment is another. It would be fortunate if the names of those firefighters were accidently released in public documents or anonymously on the internet. When the law fails to protect us, then justice must prevail by any means necessary.

I never thought I'd say this about a Republican Texan, but thank god for the courage of Representative Ted Poe (R, TX), because if he had not gotten her out of there she would be dead.

Jamie Leigh is amazingly strong, she has turned tragedy into hope. She should be proud and honored for her heroic stand. I hope that this warns other young women who have naive ideas about what kind of 'work' they will get in high paying overseas jobs for government contractors.

Kellogg, Brown and Root should be criminally and civilly prosecuted.

The Halliburton/KBR 'security' agents responsible for the cover up and destroying evidence should be criminally prosecuted and civilly sued.

She should also sue the US Army for turning over her rape kit to KBR 'security'.



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