The Choice

There are freedoms you have and freedoms you don't. Positive freedom is the freedom 'to do' something. Negative freedom is freedom 'from' something. Every choice has meaning.

The government is US. Your money, your time, your life is yours to spend as you wish. Choose to be free.

Where is the constitution? Is it in your mind? In your house? In the public hall?
I believe the constitution transcends our individual existence. The US Constitution is our 'social contract', the very mortar that binds our individual blocks of freedom into a solid foundation, upon we build everything else.

With the complexity of problems we now find ourselves facing; public transportation, voting machines, campaign finance reform, immigration, health care, climate change, the national debt, the failure of public schools, the economy, the wars, all of which are interconnected. We are faced with a desperate need for leadership. Yet, we are stuck with a limited set of redundant choices, all competing with each other, tearing one another down uselessly.

It is time for a fundamental change.

We need to stop this failing system of competing politics. Instead we need a COOPERATIVE Paradigm Shift. We need to use ALL OF OUR RESOURCES to deal with the scope of the problems we face. Why not give the next President the ability to use all of the ideas, the strengths, the capabilities of their opponents.

We accept that the world is not always the way we wish it to be, but how come we can't accept the fact that our competitors are our peers, that they have strength we could use?

Choose to work together, stop choosing a personality, choose the issues. Vote on the issues democratically and we will all be better off.

Open the pandora box, allow us to amend the constitution every twenty years by constitutional convention. One-thousand random US Citizens, give them two years, with pay, to study the issues, to hear the complains, to write out their opinions, and to vote to amend or change the constitution.

What would probably happen? Would it become illegal to burn the flag? Would abortion become illegal again? Would the electoral college be disbanded? Will there be term limits, on congress, the senate, the supreme court? Would the people become part of the democracy again?

Will we ever be able to trust each other again? Liberty demands we try.


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