Center for Constitutiona Rights

We're writing you today to announce exciting new developments at the Center for Constitutional Rights:

a completely redesigned website;
a new case we've filed; and
a new campaign we're launching,
Beyond Guantanamo: Rescue the Constitution.

When you go to our website today, which you can visit at our NEW address, you'll see information about our new campaign Beyond Guantanamo: Rescue the Constitution. We're calling this campaign Beyond Guantanamo because it's about more than just President Bush or Guantanamo, it's about all the areas where the government is taking the law into its own hands. It's about the systematic dismantling of the Constitution and the erosion of everyone's rights, not just those of the detainees. It is time that we think beyond Guantanamo and this administration's disastrous policies.

Also many of you have probably also heard about the case we filed recently against Blackwater USA for the killings of innocent Iraqi bystanders in September. This lawsuit cannot bring back those killed at Nisoor Square but it can make Blackwater accountable for its actions. Read more about this case on our new website.

In these months leading up to the December 5 Supreme Court arguments that will decide again whether detainees have the right to contest their detention, CCR will be rolling out ads in magazines and on the web as well as launching a speaking tour and a radio tour.

Our new website features an updated and expanded case index; issue area pages; a much-improved search function so that you can more easily access our resources and find exactly what you need; and new features like podcasts with our attorneys on our issues, clients, and cases. Stay tuned in the coming months, we'll be adding more videos and more actions for you to take on the issues you care about.

You can also watch this video featuring Venssa Readgrave reading from a letter she recieved froma former detainee.

Please take some time today to go to our new website, explore all it has to offer, and read about our new campaign Beyond Guantanamo. Most important - please tell five of your friends about CCR's campaign to not only close Guantanamo but rescue our Constitution. We need your help to spread the word to your friends and family that we're starting this important new campaign.

As a people, we need to move beyond the example of torture and dehumanization set by our government. Let's move Beyond Guantanamo and Rescue the Constitution.

Thank you,
Vincent Warren
Executive Director


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