
Showing posts from October, 2007

by Robert B. Reich

Supercapitalism - by Robert Reich REASON: why Liberals will win the war - by Robert Reich The future of Success - by Robert B. Reich The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism

As Election '08 Nears, We Need Straight Answers to a Simple Question

By Nancy Scola on October 30, 2007 The hits just keep on coming. Blackwater has been given immunity by the State Department. Whatever has been learned thus far in the inquiry into its violence in Iraq can't be used by the FBI in its investigation. Keeping in mind that the failings of one private security company are less concerning than the fact that a bastion of U.S. government thought it wise to unleash uncontrollable forces out into the world, this sure smacks of self-protection. Is this the America we want? Well, the trouble is, we're not getting the information we need to chose a different path. Just 1 percent of Election '08 news stories thus far have focused on candidate records. Just 15 percent concerned public policy. That's troubling in any election. But when the governing style of those in power is to wreak global havoc, it's downright scary. And so to see today's political landscape clearly, even skilled commentators like the New York Times's Pa...

The Rachel L. CARSON

The Sense of Wonder - by Rachel Carson The Edge of the Sea - Rachel Carson The Sea Around Us - by Rachel Carson Silent Spring - By Rachel Carson Under the Sea - Wind, By Rachel Carson

WikiMedia Foundation

If there is a chance for the ignorant to be educated, If there is a hope for the faithful to learn, If there is a dream of a better future, It must begin with us.

Center for Constitutiona Rights

We're writing you today to announce exciting new developments at the Center for Constitutional Rights: a completely redesigned website; a new case we've filed; and a new campaign we're launching, Beyond Guantanamo: Rescue the Constitution. When you go to our website today, which you can visit at our NEW address, you'll see information about our new campaign Beyond Guantanamo: Rescue the Constitution. We're calling this campaign Beyond Guantanamo because it's about more than just President Bush or Guantanamo, it's about all the areas where the government is taking the law into its own hands. It's about the systematic dismantling of the Constitution and the erosion of everyone's rights, not just those of the detainees. It is time that we think beyond Guantanamo and this administration's disastrous policies. Also many of you have probably also heard about the case we filed recently against Blackwater USA for the killings of innoce...

It begins, Saturday.


Speaking before the U.S. House of Representatives April 2007, the head of the Illinois Department of Entomology had this to say: "It is an unfortunate consequence of benign indifference to the precarious nature of an overwhelming reliance on a single species that few alternative actively managed species are currently available for use. And despite evidence of their efficacy as crop pollinators, wild species are not being exploited to any significant extent. While efforts to monitor honey bees are inadequate, efforts to monitor the status of wild pollinators in North America are essentially non existent…. There is reliable evidence that some North American pollinator species have gone extinct, become locally extirpated, or have declined in number. At least two bumble bee species, one of which is a crop pollinator, could face imminent extinction, and several other pollinators have declined significantly." As far back as 2005, Haefeker ended an article he contributed to the jour...

The Ground Truth

The truth on the ground about the U.S. War on Iraq is even more shocking than you can imagine. This movie will haunt you, but only if you have the courage to face "The Ground Truth" . Without the voice of those who fight these illegal wars how can you learn the true extent of the damage? Watch this documentary, buy the DVD, then host a screening. Ask everyone you meet, how long will this war last?

Hegel on Liberty

Hegel's method in philosophy consists in following out the triadic development (Entwicklung) in each concept and in each thing. Thus, he hopes, philosophy will not contradict experience, but will give to the data of experience the philosophical, that is, the ultimately true, explanation. If, for instance, we wish to know what liberty is, we take that concept where we first find it, in the unrestrained action of the savage, who does not feel the need of repressing any thought, feeling, or tendency to act. Next, we find that the savage has given up this freedom in exchange for its opposite, the restraint, or, as he considers it, the tyranny, of civilization and law. Thirdly, in the citizen under the rule of law, we find the third stage of development, namely liberty in a higher and a fuller sense than that in which the savage possessed it, the liberty to do and to say and to think many things which were beyond the power of the savage. In this triadic process we remark that the second...