SAVE THE INTERNET, tell the senate what to do.

Post your comment at the SAVE THE INTERNET BLOG.
Here is mine.


I see most of what is to be said here has already been said.
I agree we all need equal access to information for this society, economy, democracy to work.

But most people are here to promote their own economic or political interest, I want to speek for the kids.

This experiment called AMERICA was based upon free speech and equal access to political power, but how can you speak for yourself if you don’t know what is going on, if you don’t have even a basic education. If you don’t have access to information, you have no political power.

The public education system has failed our children.
The public political system ignores them completely.
Without free high-speed internet access there is nothing to balance the neglect, no oppertunity for our youth to educate themselves, and become something more than slaves for the rich and powerful.

It begins with the access, the intelligent will rise to the top, but unless kids have access to the information, they will be doomed to fight for survival and compete with eachother to the death. Instead of striving to reach our collective potential, generations will be stuck in the ever increasing spirial of poverty, ignorance, and fear.

Keep networks neutral.
Make the big PRIVATE, for profit corporations pay for the PUBLIC Bandwith they USE.
Do it for the future.
Do it for the kids.


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