Look what happens when you seek the truth in America

After questioning John Kerry at forum, Andrew Meyer was called on by Kerry and spoke for about 40 seconds about the 2004 election. His mic was cut off, he was dragged to the back of the hall, tasered, and arrested for “disrupting a public meeting”. Kerry blabbed on, didn’t stop the attack, and none of the videos show his answer…after questioning John Kerry at forum. Andrew Meyer was called on by Kerry and spoke for about 40 seconds about the 2004 election. His mic was cut off, he was dragged to the back of the hall, tasered, and arrested for “disrupting a public meeting”. Kerry blabbed on, didn’t stop the attack, and none of the videos show his answer…

My questions:
Why did they tazer him when four or five cops had him pinned and handcuffed on the ground?
Why didn't everyone in that room get up and walk out?
Why didn't they defend him?
Why did they stop Andrew from asking his question, but never arrested him?
(it is illegal to detain, or even touch an individual, unless you put them under arrest, and Andrew kept asking them if they were arresting him, and although it is hard to hear, the woman cop kept saying no, because if they had arrested Andrew they have to give a reason why, and he wasn't doing anything illegal, and that would have opened the campus police up to a lawsuit for false arrest. Too bad they never arrested him, because now all Andrew can do legally is sue those six cops indivdually, and file charges for assult, illegeal detention, violation of First Amendment Rights, and distrupting a public meeting.)


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