In the Valley of Elah

When David met Goliath in the Old Testament, King Saul and his army, afraid to meet Goliath's challenge sent a shepard boy to battle the giant. The new movie, In the Valley of Elah, asks the important question "What kind of King send a boy to fight the giant?".

Go see the film, and use it to change the debate.

This Friday, September 21st 2007, Oscar award winning director and writer Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby) releases his new movie, In the Valley of Elah ( The movie, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon, is about soldiers returning home from Iraq and the psychological effects they endure once they return. It is a stunning anti war film which will have a profound impact on anyone that watches it.

When the film enters wide release throughout the US on the 21st, we want to have Kucinich supporters at every theatre in the nation to accomplish four things:

Go see the film – you need to see it to talk about it.
And ... when people are walking out of the theatre ...
Talk to people about the film, how they feel about the war, are they concerned about another war in Iran, do they realize the Neo Conservative Republicans and Democrats have no intention of bringing our soldiers home before the election ...
Hand out literature:
Strength through Peace Doctrine,
Out of Iraq Plan,

Get email addresses of people who want more information on how to change American Foreign Policy and get out of Iraq.
The film will be in theatres for many weeks, but it will be important to get as many supporters out during the initial release as possible.


We will be having a nationwide Kucinich for President House Party and Conference call this Thursday, September 20th, the evening before In the Valley of Elah hits theaters nationwide.

The purpose of the house party is to get our supporters prepared to canvass cinemas nationwide. In order to get you in the right frame of mind, we are extremely pleased to announce that Academy Award winning writer and director, Paul Haggis (, will be calling into the conference call at 9:00PM EST to speak with our supporters and talk about his incredible film.

This will be a great way to get people excited about participating in your house party! Call our national Office toll-free 877-413-3664 to host a house party. Once you have indicated that you will host a house party, we will send you the conference call phone number and access code.


In addition, we have an exciting contest we will be holding. Through a random drawing, we will pick a house party host who will join Elizabeth Kucinich in the audience at the NBC Presidential Debate at Hanover, New Hampshire on Wednesday evening, September 26th.

We hope you will be able to host or attend a house party (big or small) and be involved in this exciting campaign event. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the campaign’s National Field Director, Vin Gopal at 732-299-5625 or


Mike Klein
National Campaign Manager
Kucinich for President


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