I have some questions for John Kerry:

Who are you?
What kind of coward stands by and lets a man get tourtured and beaten in front of him?
John Kerry could have stopped the cops at any time by simply telling them to let the boy speak, was he too afraid to answer the questions?

1) Was John Kerry in the same secret fraternity as G.W.Bush (Skull and Bones) at Yale?

2) Why did John Kerry so readily conced the 2004 election when so much voter fraud was evident?

3) Why doesn't Senator Kerry call for impeachment before G. W. Bush invades Iran?

Even George W. Bush has the leadership to let his opponents ask their questions. Why didn't you do something?

Everyone Please Watch the videos on U-Tube, thank GOD for U-Tube, or this kid would have disappeared!
Wiki angle
Judge for yourself
After they attacked
NBC coverage

What happended to FREE SPEACH IN AMERICA?
How come you can't ask honest questions on college campuses anymore?

Andrew Meyer has the guts to stand up for himself, his freedom, and ours, that is something John Kerry apparently lacks.


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