Tillman Murdered, President Lies Again

Today, veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq wrote to President Bush, calling him to come clean on the death of former NFL star and Army Ranger, Pat Tillman, and we need you to join us.

Go to VoteVets.org and sign on to our letter

Last week, it was reported that medical examiners who examined Tillman's body shortly after his death determined his fatal wounds may have been caused by shots fired from ten yards away, and urged for a criminal investigation into his death. They were denied. This new finding seems to contradict the government's second official explanation of his death, which was that it was caused by friendly fire from a convoy that was a greater distance away. The initial story, that he was killed by enemy fire, was already proven to be a lie, and officers who contributed to the cover up were punished.

Yet, when the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sent the President a bi-partisan request for a number of documents related to the Tillman investigation, the Administration refused to turn over key communications the Committee asked for, citing Executive Privilege.

Go to VoteVets.org and tell the White House this is not acceptable

There is no Executive Privilege claim that holds any water when the matter is the death of an American soldier - especially one who had been used by the Administration as a poster for the war. By refusing to release every pertinent document, the White House is fostering a climate of distrust among those in the military, hurting efforts to recruit new soldiers by creating doubt on behalf of parents who should expect their 18-year old son or daughter will be honored for their service, and insulting the memory of Pat Tillman. Unless the President has something to hide, he should release all the documents requested by Republicans and Democrats on the Committee.

Finally, as Commander in Chief, the President owes the complete and total truth to Corporal Tillman's mother, Mary Tillman. Those of us who served know that it is the duty of any officer to write to the families of those under us who were killed, and tell them the entire truth regarding their love one's death. To lie about any details or withhold any information would not just cause unjust pain to the survivors, but is to dishonor the fallen. As our nation's top commander, it is the President's duty to the Tillman family to release all materials related to his death.

For the good of our military, our troops, the Tillmans, and our nation, we need you to sign on to our letter, calling on the President to comply with all past and future requests of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the matter of the death of Corporal Tillman.


Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran
Co-Founder and Chairman, VoteVets.org


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