Prometheus Radio Project

New FM stations, let the world know NOW!

Hoist the Anchor and Raise the Sails!!! The FCC has announced the upcoming Non-Commercial/Educational Full Power filing window! 

The seven day window will be open from Friday, October 12th through the 19th, 2007. This is it, folks – your best, and possibly last, opportunity to bring full power community radio to your town. Don't let this ship sail without you!

Applications have to be filed on-line and won't be accepted before or after the window; so talk to an engineer and attorney, and get that application filled out! If you aren't already working with an engineer and attorney, call us at 215-727-9620 extension 509, or email fullpower_questions [at] prometheusradio [dot] org.

Congressman Mike Doyle and Congressman Lee Terry are introducing an important bill -- House Bill 2802, or Senate Bill 1675 -- the Local Community Radio Act of 2007 -- which will, if passed, expand access to community radio all across the country. This bill would tell Congress to recognize that there is no possible interference from low power FM radio stations in America's big cities, and to allow the FCC to grant station licenses there. Senators John McCain and Maria Cantwell are also introducing identical legislation. We'll have bill numbers for you soon, but now is the time to educate your legislators, and to ask them to support low power FM radio. Click here to learn how -- and sign the petition to expand LPFM at today!

FCC Findings -
"Our principal finding is that LPFM stations can safely operate three channels away from existing FPFM stations, provided that relatively modest distance separations are maintained between any LPFM station and receivers tuned to the potentially affected FPFM station. Those required separations are on the order of a few tens of meters in the best case, to slightly more than a kilometer in the worst case. The main exception to this finding involves FM translator receivers, which may require distance separations up to about 3.2 kilometers from 100-watt LPFM transmitters lying squarely in the main beams of the translators' receiving antennas. If these requirements are met, both analog and digital FPFM stations should be able to operate without significant risk of harmful third-adjacent-channel interference from LPFM."

How can we prove that there is plenty of room for low power FM in my community?

When the Radio Broadcast Preservation Act of 2000 was passed, Congress mandated that the FCC conduct a study as to whether or not low power FM radio stations would interfere with full oower broadcasts. Under this Congressional mandate, the FCC designed a testing program to assess the probability of interference from low-power FM stations. That study, conducted by independent contractors at the MITRE corporation, has been completed -- and it has found that there is no problem with LPFM -- that interference is not an issue for full power FM stations! Bring on the community radio!

Read a full analysis of the MITRE study here:

According to the study, released July 13, 2003 by the MITRE Corporation, there is only an infinitesimal chance that the signals from FCC licensed low-power stations will interfere with bigger, full power radio stations. Now, all we have to do is get Congress to repeal the Radio Broadcast Preservation Act of 2000, giving the FCC permission to give out hundreds, if not thousands, of low power FM radio licenses! How will we do that? Keep reading.

Sign the petition, or send the following text to your representative.

To: U.S. Congress
To my Senate and Congressional Representative,
As a concerned and dedicated member of my local community, I am writing in support of Low Power FM Radio.
This non-commercial, local radio service connects workers, families, and Americans like myself to our communities. We'd like you to think of us, and act to expand community radio in my area by supporting the Local Community Radio Act of 2007 (House Bill 2802, Senate Bill 1675), a bill in the Senate and the House of Representatives that would expand communities' access to low power FM. We desperately needs Congress to act to allow local groups to build low power FM radio stations in urban areas, and in thousands of communities across the country.
In 2000, Congress limited low power FM radio to rural towns, out of a concern that these tiny 100-watt stations would interfere with full power stations, especially in big cities. Congress asked the FCC to study this potential interference and to report back to them. In response,the Federal Communications Commission commissioned the MITRE Corporation to study the potential interference low power FM radio supposedly caused. $2.2 million later, the study proved, once and for all, that low power FM causes negligible interference, and is definitely possible in big cities as well as small communities. The FCC asked Congress to move to expand low power FM -- and now I am asking the Senate and the House of Representatives to expand low power FM as well.
There are about 800 stations on the air across the country, but there is potentially room for thousands, and we need low power FM more than ever, to spread emergency information, local political information, news, culture, and entertainment. Congressman Mike Doyle (Democrat of Pennsylvania) and Congressman Lee Terry (Republican of Nebraska), as well as Senator John McCain (Republican of Arizona) and Senator Maria Cantwell (Democrat of Washington State) recently introduced HR 2802 and S. 1675 -- the Local Community Radio Act of 2007 -- legislation that will expand low power FM radio availability to many of America's biggest cities. We need low power radio in our communities, and therefore we need leaders in the Senate and the House of Representatives to support this essential bill.

The Undersigned

Full Text of the Local Community Radio Act
Take your 300 seconds.


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