Unprecedented - a documentary about the 2000 U.S. election coup d'état

This documentary names the guilty in the Coup d'état that stole the 2000 US Presidential Election. It should be watched by every American.

2000 Election, List of the Guilty:

  • Jeb Bush - assigned all his operatives to attack the election system, slow and harass the process, also attempted to limit the democratic vote by eliminating black votes.

  • Katherine Harris, FL Secretary of State 2000 election.

  • Bill Sharrer, Republican Council in FL, during 2000 election. Also, Religious Fanatic and Jeb's Campaign Manager.

  • Clayton Roberts - FL Division of Elections Director, responsible for creating the FL "voter purge" of all 'felons' that caught thousands of innocent voters.

  • Database Technologies of FL, George Bruder, VP of Operations, Blue Lake Corporate Center, 4530 __________, $4 million to take people ("felons") off the voter rolls.

  • Paid Republican Operatives:
    • Tom Pyle, Policy Analyst for Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX), participated in election riot 2000.
    • Rory Cooper, National Republican Congressional Committee, participated in election riot 2000.
    • Kevin Smith, Republican Conference Analyst, participated in election riot 2000.
    • Steven Brophy, Aide to Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-TENN), participated in election riot 2000.
    • Matt Schlapp, Bush Campaign, Austin, TX, participated in election riot 2000.
    • Roger Morse, Rep. Van Hilleary (R-TENN.), participated in election riot 2000.
    • Duane Gibson, Aide to Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), participated in election riot 2000.
    • Chuck Royal, Legislative Assistant Rep. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), participated in election riot 2000.
    • Layna McConkey, Assistant to Rep. Jim Ross Lightfoot (R-Iowa), participated in election riot 2000, designed to harass the process and slow the recount until they could seal the election.

  • Sen. Chuck Hagle (R-Nebraska) - rigged voting machines as he ran for the Senate, undisclosed, his company that made the vote-machines. 2004

  • Al Gore - for going after the votes rather than demanding a total recount in which he might loose.

  • The Major TV Networks - Especially Jack Welsh, Chairman and CEO of NBC (owned by defense contractor General Electric) and Bush Rep. - for calling the election for BUSH and thus creating a media bias that the 'election is over' rather than neutrally the election is undecided. Propaganda.

  • LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post all buried the fact that Gore won popular vote in FL, as revealed by counts one year after the election.

  • The failure of the media in general. - None of the media focused upon the African-American disenfranchisement.


People for the American Way - will provide a lawyer on the day of the voting if you are rejected from the polls.

Books on the 2000 Election:
Vincent Bugliosi - "The Betrayal of America"

Alan Dershowitz - "Supreme Injustice"

Jake Tapper - "Down and Dirty: The Plot to Steal the Presidency"

Greg Palast - "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"

Douglas Kellner - "Grand Theft 2000"

Voting Machines -
Bev Harris - "Black Box Voting"

Tom Heartman - "Unequal Protection" on Corporatism (Fascism)

Noam Chomsky - "Understanding Power"


  1. there was also george bushes cousin (can't remember his name) who worked for Fox at the time. he is the one who initially called florida for bush when the other networks had already given it to gore. once fox announced this, the other media puppets followed.


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