Stop the War on Iran

What if there was a great and powerful nation, say China, that attacked Mexico because of the unjust dictator that is running the country. If they overthrew the government and installed a puppet regime, and yet couldn't quell the violence of guerrilla forces, because Americans kept supplying those fighting for their freedom with weapons and food. If the Chinese then decided to invade Texas, so that they could stop the supply of weapons, how would we as sovergin Americans respond?

Easy, right, we would kill all the Chinese who crossed the line, then we would kick their ass out of Mexico, and we would even threaten them with nuclear war. To preserve our freedom we would be willing to end the world.

Now you know how Iran feels.

Former U.S. General and Democratic Presidential Canadate, Wes Clark, has begun a campain to stop the upcomming war on Iraq. One of the best aspects of this campain is the use of people like you to contact the press and the government to express your concern about the upcomming U.S. military agression in Iran. Please listen to the Democracy Now interview with Wes Clark, and begin to undersatand the upcomming war.


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