From: World Can't Wait - Drive out the Bush Regime

Congress, with the new Democratic majority, opens tomorrow (Jan. 4). As the Washington Post reported today, “Nowhere in the Democrats' consensus-driven agenda is legislation revisiting last year's establishment of military tribunals and suspending legal rights for suspected terrorists. Nor is there a revision of the civil liberties provisions of the USA Patriot Act, a measure curbing warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency or an aggressive confrontation of the president on his Iraq war policies.” (See an important correction to the article below.)

New Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly stated that “Impeachment is off the table”. Not if we have anything to do about it.

The Bush Regime is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity- of waging immoral wars, torture, and police state measures. For the war to end now, for torture to stop, to restore rights stolen, we the people must act. No one will do this for us.

This is why tomorrow, January 4 th, the opening day of the new Congress, World Can’t Wait will lead a major challenge to the political direction in this country since the election. We demand Congress investigate and hold accountable the Bush Administration for war crimes and bring articles of impeachment against the President.

The day will begin with a protest rally at 12:00 noon at Upper Senate Park (Delaware & Constitution, just north of the Capitol). Click here to view endorsers of the protest.

That evening we will be hosting: Voices For Impeachment. It will begin at 7pm at the National Press Club. 529 14th Street Northwest (one block east of the White House). This event was written about in today’s Washington Post (A03).
"Those people protesting on Thursday care deeply about their country," said Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire, an incoming House freshman who ran as an ardent opponent of Bush and the war. "I think we do need to pay attention. People are begging us to remember the Constitution, what made this country great."

Important Correction to Washington Post article:

Jonathan Weisman ("Activists Seek Bolder Approach to War, Spying," Jan 3, 2007) asked me to characterize the views of others on impeachment, and when I did, these views were incorrectly attributed to me. As director of the World Can't Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime, I believe the Bush regime has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, and should be impeached on that basis, beginning now. For the war to end, for torture to stop, to restore rights stolen, we must create a political movement of millions that all of society, including Congress, must answer to. - Debra Sweet, World Can't Wait


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