Robert Greenwald - Iraq War Memorial

Dear friends, activists, and colleagues,

As the country finds itself in the midst of a terrible battle over the outrageous efforts to send more troops to Iraq, the four year anniversary of the war is fast approaching on March 19th. We all hoped that after the election, this anniversary would herald a withdrawal -- a beginning of the end of this tragedy. That is not happening, and it will take all of our efforts to make it happen.

In thinking of how we at Brave New Films can contribute, and inspired by the AIDS Quilt, the Vietnam memorial, and the New York Times biographies of the 9/11 victims, we decided to create a living online memorial to U.S. soldiers killed during the Iraq War.

The Iraq Veterans Memorial will bear witness with the 60-second video testimonies of family, friends, co-workers, and military colleagues of those killed. Memories and anecdotes that will always remind us of the impact their lives had on those who loved them.

The memorial will be unveiled on March 19th all across the internet.

Jim Miller at the Brave New Foundation in partnership with Gold Star Families Speak Out, Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, North Texas Vets, Veterans for Peace, Soldiers of Today and Yesterday, GI Special, and United for Peace and Justice will organize all this.

We need your help in two ways:

1. 60 second videos. If you knew a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, please send us your video testimonial. Or forward this email to someone who did, and encourage them to participate.

Details are here:

2. Commit to hosting the memorial on your blog, website, or MySpace on March 19th. This will be the big unveiling, and it needs to be all over the internet to have a big impact.

Sign up here:

March 19th was the terrible day this unnecessary war began, and each year the country seems to be searching for ways to recongize this day. Working together we can create a profoundly important and personal memorial that will bear witness to the human toll that the war has taken. We hope that you will help us spread the word.

Thank you for your amazing work last year in making Iraq for Sale become an issue and subject that the whole country and the elected officals are focused on.

We will be in touch in a few weeks with a discussion of our plans for the year ahead.

Robert Greenwald
and everyone at Brave New Films & Foundation

P.S. Jan 27th in Washington DC will be massive end-the-war demonstrations. BE SURE TO GO IF YOU CAN, and we'll have folks in the area filming testimonials.

WHEN: Saturday, January 27th 11am
WHERE: UFPJ march on Washington
On the Mall at the corner of 3rd street
More details on the march are at

WHEN: Sunday, January 28th 11am-3pm
WHERE: Bethesda Chevy-Chase High School
4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland


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