Lt. Ehren Watada Faces Court Martial for Refusing to Serve in Iraq

In the Fall of 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, no one did anything about it, we were ignorant cowards. Germany was too strong and white to mess with. It was just the beginning of the war in Europe.

In 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait, the first President George Bush used the argument that we must remember 1939. He said that if we had stopped Hitler in 1939, we could have avoided the mass deaths of WWII. He claimed that for one country to attack and invade another without provocation was an illegal act under international law, we must stop Saddam before he moves into Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Iran.

This argument worked well, and brought along the entire United Nations into the Gulf War. We could not let an out of control dictator, with a massive military, bully his way into the oil rich lands of his neighbors. We could not allow a new 'Hitler' to arise, we had a responsibility to learn from our mistakes and history. After all, we are the USA. The most powerful force for freedom in the world. We have the moral responsibility police the world right? Especially when the rich Princes of Kuwait have oil companies that "lobby" (i.e. bribe) our government.

In 2003, when George W. Bush invaded Iraq, in a unnecessary and "preemptive" war of choice against a nation we had already beaten a decade earlier, no one tried to stop US. They didn't stand up and call us hypocrites, they didn't label it an illegal war, they didn't call Bush the new Hitler, as we did with Saddam. Thus, history repeats itself, and this time a new American generation will be guilty of the crime of committing war.

One man has taken the oath to uphold our US Constitution. One man is intelligent enough to study the law and see the truth of the situation in Iraq. One man has stood up for what is right. And he will be crucified. History repeats.

"Last week a military judge ruled that Conscientious Objector Lieutenant Ehren K. Watad cannot present evidence challenging the war’s legality nor explain what motivated him to resist his deployment order. He is the first officer to refuse to go to Iraq. With his court martial less than two weeks away, Lt. Watada is facing up to six years in prison." - quoted from Democracy Now

"He faces one charge of missing troop movement, and four counts of conduct unbecoming an officer. Each of the later four charges relates to his public comments on why he refuses to deploy to Iraq. The military judge also rejected defense arguments that Lt. Watada's remarks are protected by the First Amendment." - quoted from Democracy Now

If there is to be any justice for Conscientious Objectors, for our Veterans, for the people of Iraq, then we must call this war what it is, an unjust and illegal invasion. We are becoming the Nazis of the 21st Century. Thank your god that there is one man of courage willing to tell the emperor that he has no clothes.



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