Happy New Year 2007

Today the Associated Press reports that the 3000th U.S. Soldier died in Iraq.

When Bush took office in 2000, I said that we would spend 10 years cleaning up the mess he would make in four.

When 9/11 happened, I knew we didn't have the leadership we needed to deal with it, but I didn't know what to do.

When we went into Iraq illegally on a 'preemptive' strike, without any proof of WMD, I knew that we were repeating the sins of Vietnam. I said then, "If the Iraq army could kill as many soldiers as died on 9/11, then Americans will turn against the war."

When Bush was re-elected I got severally depressed, had the American People lost their F%ck#n minds? It will take 50 years to dig out of the whole he has created.

The Official number of people who died in 9/11 is 2,976.

Yesterday, we Buried President Ford, a man who was hated during his era for giving a full pardon to Nixon, but is now considered a humble and honorable man, when compared to the current administration. Nixon just tapped phone lines of the Democratic National Committee, in 2006, G. W. Bush made it legal for the NSA to tap us all without warrants. Time's change.

We also buried Saddam Hussein, the news calls him "one of the greatest mass murderers in history". Ironic that G. W. Bush is responsible for more deaths of both Americans and Iraqis. They released a video tape online that shows Hussein's executioners chanting Shiite rants as they killed Sadam, quashing U. S. claims that he received a fair trial.

Osama bina Laden is a Sunni Muslim. The Iraqi government, led by Shiite Muslims. Most U. S. Intelligence Officials don't know the difference between Shiite and Sunni. We are being lead to war by incompetent buffoons.

There are 100,000 U.S. troops in Iraq today, with a "Surge" of 20,000 more on the way. 500,000 U.S. troops have seen duty in Iraq, 3000 dead, 20,000 purple hearts (maimed and wounded casualties), who knows how many more with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

There are 100,000 U.S. Civilian Private Contractors in Iraq. Officials say only about 600 have been killed so far, no numbers on wounded, but you have to wonder how less than one percent can die each year in a WAR ZONE, when the general population looses 1% to normal attrition?

There are 400,000 Foreign Civilian Contractors in Iraq, hired to support our war by U.S. War Contractors. No one wants to report how many have been killed, maimed, or wounded. We are paying them less than our own minimum wage to do things like food service for our troops.

In 2007 the War on Iraq will cost $200 BILLION. The U.S. National Budget Deficit will be $HALF-A-TRILLION, and the War is NOT included in the budget. Our National Debt has doubled during the Republican control of Congress and the Senate to 8.5 $TRILLION, and the value of the dollar is now half of what it was. If you are still working for a living, your pay is worth half, your house is worth half, and your stock value is worth half what it was in 2000.

I don't want to start 2007 on a downer. So, here is a positive story. Pop Star, James Brown, had a funeral yesterday too. It was the only true celebration of life I've seen in a while. That was a man who truly left a positive mark on the universe, they danced all day in front of him.

2006 will go down in history as the year we lost our civil rights and America became a Legend we tell our kids. We now legally torture U.S. Citizens, in secret prisons, and hire private armies to do our dirty work. What the f%ck happened? That used to be why we fought the "evildoers".

The Democrats won the election, they own the U.S. House and Senate. Let us see if they have the courage to take back this nation. Now, I hope we will be out of Iraq someday, but after the first six years of this century, I just want my civil rights back.


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