Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich is not taken seriously by the media. He is not what they want to cover. He doesn't have the same kind of good looking charisma as Obama or Edwards, he doesn't "LOOK presidential", and shouldn't try to play that game. Kucinich is a smart, honest, and serious candidate for president of the USA. His strength is his courage.

The question is do the Democrats want a candidate that can win or one that is right?
Obama is considered African-American, Hiliary Clinton is a woman, John Edwards is for poor people, which of these people is electable? Perhaps none of them, but they all can rase the money ($200,000,000+), they all "LOOK presidential", and as far as I can tell each of them are generally right on the issues.

In truth Dennis Kucinich, like Al Gore, should be the brain behind the beauty. He should be calling the shots, telling the president the best options for our future. But unless someone stands up and shouts from the rooftop about the REAL ISSUES, then the beautiful people in the media will not even cover those issues.

Ten Key Issues - by Dennis Kucinich

  • Universal Health Care

  • International Cooperation: US out of Iraq, UN into Iraq

  • Jobs and Withdrawal from NAFTA and WTO

  • Repeal of the "Patriot Act"

  • Guaranteed Quality Education, Pre-K Through College

  • Full Social Security Benefits at Age 65

  • Right-to-Choose, Privacy, and Civil Rights

  • Balance Between Workers and Corporations

  • Environmental Renewal and Clean Energy

  • Restored Rural Communities and Family Farms


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