Watch NOW -

This weekend this award winning PBS program examines the pre-war build up of skewed information about Iraq.

Watch the video (22:06), and read the complete documentation as the links supply.

Artificial Intelligence?
Producer: Bryan Myers
Editor: Judith Wolff

On the third anniversary of former Secretary of State Colin Powell's landmark speech to the United Nations laying out the Bush Administration’s case for the Iraq war, a high-level insider who helped write the address makes a startling claim. Powell’s then Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson says that what he later found out shocked him: that much of Powell’s speech was false. "I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community, and the United Nations Security Council," he says. NOW reports on the serious doubts that existed about the key evidence being used by the American government at the very time Powell's speech was being planned and delivered.


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