Find out who YOUR Representatives are and Contact THEM

You hired them, now tell them what you want them to do!
All you have to do is type in your ZIP code. Save their phone number so you can reach them quickly.

ZIP Code 92109 splits legislative districts (represented by *). Please enter your full 9-digit ZIP code (ZIP+4) below.

President & Congress:
  • George Bush (R)

  • Dianne Feinstein (D)
  • Barbara Boxer (D)

  • Brian Bilbray (R-50)
  • Susan Davis (D-53)

Get their e-mail address, there telephone numbers, and their mailing address. Then contact them directly each week.

Demand the repeal of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, because it violates the Bill of Rights.

The Democrats have a majority in both houses of congress (for now). Demand they investigate the current administration, the war on Iraq, and No-Bid Contracting. Stop out-sourcing US national security.


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