
Showing posts from December, 2021

EXPOSED: Mass War Crimes In Syria Covered Up By Pentagon | Breaking Poin...


Hillary CHARGES People To Watch Her CRY | Breaking Points with Krystal a...


MORE FBI Criminality Revealed In Whitmer Kidnapping Plot | Breaking Poin...


Police whistleblowers ousted by "blue wall of silence"

#GoodCops threaten Whistleblowers.  This shows that the cancer has killed the patient. Disarm, Defund, and Disband the Police.  We need a redo. Fire all the cops.   Recrute Watchmen from the local community. Use Citizen Patrols of neighborhoods, with video cameras and flashlights instead of guns.  Repurpose the funding for social services, mental health, jobs, homes, and parks. Then recrute ethical women of color and send them to college to train, when they graduate, have them hire new Guardians, all over 25, college grads, with emotional intelligence. No steroids, no ex-military, no more white men, just people from the community who live in the community. Stop calling them 'police', call them 'guardians', 'investigators', 'watchmen'. Their job will be to provide security, instead of fishing for low end crime, have the best of them investigate banking and finance fraud, dig into the local politicians bribes and land deals, look into insider trading and g...