
Showing posts from October, 2011

What is the Cost of Civil Dialog?

I have a question: Is C-SPAN, Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network ,  a privately owned for profit corporation, or does it provide us with good independent journalism? "And yet, we gave this guest 43 minutes!" - C-Span Host in response. We need to confront those in Washington D.C as Americans, not as Left or Right, but as Americans, and ask them why they are so untrustworthy. We have no confidence. We have a TRUST-Deficit. Watch this 43 minute Interview with Anabel Park of the Coffee Party and see what a real patriot looks like. We must respect the politics of those who disagree with us. Citizens Intervention Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission

Write your City Council and send them a copy of this note.

We have been occupying the Civic Center for 19 days.  Today we attended the San Diego City Council meeting for the second time in two weeks, again asking the City Council to pass a resolution supporting our occupation, as the City of LA did for Occupy Los Angeles. Last week we asked the Council to put Occupy San Diego on the agenda. They did not. So we were again limited to the public discussion portion of the meeting, which only gives 3 minutes to any individual topic.  Individuals from our occupation signed up to discuss various topics related to Occupy San Diego, such as the people’s library, sanitation and health, the evolution of Democracy, free speech and the first amendment. One of our occupiers Jersey, got up to speak on the topic of Occupy San Diego in general.  She called a mic check and about 50 of us delivered the message through a people’s mic.  This is what we said: I am Michelle Doich, I usually go by 'Jersey'. I am a concerned citizen,...

Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight

Imagine if we spent as much on peace as we do on war?